You should write a blog…

When I told people that I was going to move to Italy for a few months, the common response was “Send pictures!” or “You have to tell us about what you’re doing!” or my favorite, “You should write a book about your experience!” Riiiiiight. One coworker suggested I blog, and it was the one suggestion I didn’t outright dismiss.

I’m not, by nature, an attention seeker. I feel awkward mass emailing people photos and detailed descriptions of my daily life because I generally assume others don’t have the time, don’t care, or worse, feel obligated to respond. I put quite a bit on Facebook, but it’s always with the assumption that if people want to interact, they will read or click or comment. I am, however, expressive. I love to write, take pictures, and share what I know and what I’ve learned.

That’s why the idea of a blog is appealing. It’s a space that I can share my adventure. So here it is – the People, Places, and Memories of my Italian adventure (and beyond?). Feel free to read, comment, and ask questions as  you like.