All-Inclusive Resorts: Why We Love Them and Why You Should Too

January and February are difficult months for me. The post-holiday blues set in, and the weather gets cold and the skies turn gray. Ann Arbor set a record for most days without the sun shining while we lived there – it was over a month! Living in Cincinnati has helped – we have very mild winter weather and actually see the sun. I don’t enjoy winter sports like skiing or ice skating so I usually spend the first part of the year indoors, waiting for Spring to arrive.

I’ve learned that a well-timed vacation to somewhere warm and sunny can do a lot to combat the winter blahs. If nothing else, it’s nice to have something to look forward to, something to plan, and something to break up the monotony of winter. I’ll take any excuse to take a winter vacation.

Our most recent vacation to Punta Cana came from one of those perfect excuses to get away. Hubby accepted a new job, and we decided to celebrate between end date of his old job and start date of his new one. We also wanted to have some quality family time, particularly because his new job requires him to be out of town every week. We are used to him traveling, but not every week! So, it was important to us that we have quality family time.

We had a few criteria for our trip. First, we had to have a beach. And, it had to be warm enough for us to enjoy the beach. That narrowed it down to the Caribbean, specifically those that would be closer to the equator so that the water temperatures would be comfortable, but that were easily accessible so we wouldn’t spend two days traveling to and from our vacation. Also, it had to have kid-friendly amenities. Hubby and I knew we would be fine with just a pool and a beach, but we weren’t sure about the kiddo. So, we looked for a place that had a little something extra for the kids, starting with water parks because we knew this is something the kiddo would do for hours. Because we love a deal, I searched for options that would allow us to use our hotel points and frequent flyer miles, though this wasn’t a deal-breaker.

In the end, we narrowed our search down to Punta Cana because it met all of our criteria and we could use our Delta SkyMiles for free flights. It didn’t take long for us to settle on the Nickelodeon Hotel & Resort Punta Cana. I’ve written about my love of all-inclusive resorts before, but I had never vacationed to an all-inclusive resort with a child before so I was a little apprehensive. The Nick Hotel and Resort Punta Cana alleviated any fears I might have, and confirmed And as Hubby said on our second day, “I don’t know why we to take any other type of vacation.”

Nickelodeon Resort entrance

I once read an article criticizing all-inclusive resorts as vacations for families who were afraid of travel and that families who opted to go to all-inclusive resorts were not interested in experiencing other cultures. As someone who loves all-inclusive resorts, and has also traveled abroad with a kid and loved it as well, I feel like I have to explain why I love all-inclusive resorts. Here are just a few of the reasons:

Why All-Inclusive Resorts Make Great Family Vacations

  1. It costs what it costs. All-inclusive resorts are just that – all inclusive. That means that the room, food, drinks, and tips are included in the price, and often means that flights and airport transfers are also included. When I book an all-inclusive vacation and enter my credit card info to pay, that’s it – that’s how much the vacation will cost. Sure, there may be a few bucks for tips or parking at the airport, and excursions and souvenirs are extra, but generally-speaking, the cost of the vacation is known and any extra costs can easily be budgeted as a result.
  2. Planning is minimal. Traveling is amazing, but it’s a lot of work! Just a few months ago, we embarked on a two-week, three country trip with my parents, and though it was wonderful, it required a great deal of research and logistics to book flights, hotels, airport transports, and advance ticket purchases to museums or other attractions, not to mention finding good restaurants at reasonable prices available when you want to eat! All-inclusive vacations involve choosing a flight and a hotel, and planning is finished.
  3. Minimal planning means minimal stress. Let’s be frank – the American lifestyle can be stressful, particularly with working parents and/or busy kids. There are many days and weeks when I think, “I can’t do one more thing.” Or, perhaps more accurately, “My brain can’t be responsible for one more decision.” As the primary planner of our travels, I can actually relax when we vacation at all-inclusive resorts because I know I’m not responsible ensuring everything runs smoothly.
  4. Food and drinks are plentiful. That phrase may seem glutinous (and it certainly can be), but it’s also a necessity when traveling with an active four year old who needs to eat every two hours . Plus, the options available include fruit and vegetables and other healthy items, which is not always the case when . All-inclusive food options are also great for encouraging kids to try new things too. I don’t worry about wasting money on something my kiddo might not like when I can always get him something else to eat.
  5. It’s easy to be active… or not. Every resort we’ve visited has had extensive activities planned throughout the day, and many focus on fitness and exercise. Hubby always plays beach soccer, and I’ve done water aerobics in the ocean or Aqua Zumba in the pool, or sunrise yoga on the beach. Hubby and I have taken salsa, rumba, and bachata classes. There’s almost always snorkeling equipment available, and many times there are even introductory diving lessons from PADI-certified instructors in the pool. There are also things like BINGO or crafts. The Nickelodeon resort even had daily slime making classes for the kids! All of these activities are included for resort guests (not the excursions) to participate or not – it’s entirely up to the guests. Oh, and don’t forget about excursions – more on that in a later post!
  6. It’s not about seeing things, it’s about seeing each other. At home, we are busy with work and school and activities – and our son is only four! Our time together is precious, so we value vacations for the family time we get. When we travel, we’re often focused on seeing the sights, but at all-inclusive resorts, we’re focused on having fun together at the beach or in the pool. Though I loved the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Opera House in Sydney, giggling as we buried each other in the sand did more for connecting us as a family than viewing The Night Watch ever could.

These are just some of my reasons why we love all-inclusive vacations. What are some of yours?

Stay tuned for more about Punta Cana, including our favorite excursions!