Zoos and Aquariums

Experiences not Things: 5 Gifts to Give to Travel Families

I’m a big believer in giving gifts that are experiences, rather than things. Don’t get me wrong – I give people stuff too. I’m very practical, and sometimes my nieces and nephews just need clothes because they’re growing like weeds! But I really like to give gifts that the receiver will enjoy multiple times, or …

Road Trips from Cincinnati: The Wilds

For Father’s Day, I planned a surprise weekend road trip for Hubby and the kiddo. I had been exploring weekend road trips and family-friendly activities for a while, and was excited to find The Wilds, a 10,000 acre wildlife conservation center located in Cumberland, Ohio. In partnership with the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, The Wilds …

Things to Know and Things to Do over a Long Weekend in Seattle

We went to Seattle on our first Stadium Tour, and it was a jam-packed 3-day weekend! There was so much to see and do, and we took advantage of all the city had to offer! Tips for Planning a Weekend in Seattle Buy a CityPASS! When doing my research and planning for the trip, I …

Day trip to Lexington: Kentucky Horse Park

Last weekend, we took a day trip to Lexington, Kentucky to visit the Kentucky Horse Park. Lexington is a 60-90 minute drive from Cincinnati, depending on point of origin in the Cincinnati metro area. I had been to Louisville many times because I had cousins who lived there while I was growing up, but had …

Family Weekend in Atlanta

The family took a quick weekend getaway to Atlanta, and we had so much fun! Our trip was part of the stadium tour, but we packed in as much fun as we could in the short time we were there! This trip included Hubby, the kiddo, and me, as well as Sis, Bro in law, …

Family Vacation on the Gold Coast of Australia

Hubby and I love a beach vacation, and we’ve tried to pass along our love to the kiddo. We spent nine days in Hawaii when the kiddo was just over a year old, but we haven’t had a successful beach vacation since then. A year after Hawaii, we took a weekend trip to San Diego …

A Week in Sydney, Australia with My Toddler

Hubby, the kiddo, and I recently spent a week in Sydney, Australia. Hubby has visited several times for work, but I have never been able to join him. After every trip, I make him promise that I can tag along the next time he goes. That means he had to plan it far enough in …