We’re Going to the (Cincinnati) Zoo, Zoo, Zoo…

Elephants at the Cincinnati Zoo

… how about you, you, you?

Do you know that song? Raffi is the soundtrack to my childhood. Every time I take my son to the zoo, I sing it to him. I’m sure as soon as he can talk, he’ll tell me to stop.
When we lived in Wisconsin, we lived very close to the Milwaukee County Zoo, and Hubby’s company rented out the Zoo every year for its employees and their families to enjoy. Even with no kids, we had a great time looking at the animals, riding the train and the carousal, and eating the food! I’ve always loved going to the zoo, but it never occurred to me to get an annual zoo pass.

With the move to Cincinnati and the birth of my son, our idea of weekend family fun changed a little bit. Now, one of our favorite activities is going to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens. My son loves giraffes, and you can feed the giraffes two pieces of lettuce for just $3. I think we could just do this, and he would be happy for the rest of the day.

I love both the animals and the flowers, but what I especially love is the education and the science that drives the activities of the Zoo.
The Cincinnati Zoo makes a point to educate its guests about the animals – names, diets, family lineage – but they really emphasize the animals’ enrichment activities, species survival efforts, and the conservation projects they have undertaken that ultimately benefit the animals in the wild. The zookeepers are passionate about what they do – anyone following the story of premie hippo Fiona can attest to this. The Zoo’s commitment to the well-being of their animals and their animals’ natural habitats in the wild makes every Zoo experience more enjoyable, and makes my zoo membership and support of the Zoo gratifying.
fiona and bibi
Oh, and the Zoo has a penguin parade in the winter. Seriously, what’s cuter than that?